Sunday, August 28, 2011


An exciting win in Lakota vs DP, as  Lakota-Adams-Edmore Raiders pulled off the win in a dominant fashion! Dakota Prairie came into the season ranked higher then the Raiders, however Lakota-Adams-Edmore was not phased going into last nights game.

The Raiders kicked the game off to the Knights stopping them on a three and out drive causing DP to punt the ball to the quick and elusive Jaron Moor. Lakota-Adams-Edmore came right out on offense with the ability to score, handing the ball off to Jaron Moor for a 3 yard TOUCHDOWN. Then the Knights came out to show they had a passing game that the Raiders could not stop, Logan Lund was capable to throw all over the field with his receivers Dylan Gillett, Scott Rorvig and Chris Brogdon. Lund connected with Gillett on a 52 yard reception ending the drive with a Logan Lund 10 yard rushing Touchdown ending the Quarter with a 8-8 tie game. Starting the 2nd Quarter Eric Haugland and the Lakota-Adams-Edmore Raiders continued to run the football with conviction, completing the drive with an Eric Haugland, 2 yard TOUCHDOWN run. The Knights began to show more and more ability to throw the football as the high scoring second Quarter began, Logan Lund was capable to throw the football all over the field, making the Raiders secondary look bent out of shape for most of the first half. Lund went in on a 5 yard Touchdown rush with 8:45 left in the 2nd Quarter. With only 5:40 left in the 1st half Eric Haugland showed his speed scoring a rushing TOUCHDOWN for the Raiders. Throughout the game Logan Lund, was for the most part free to roam in the pocket, not getting to much pressure from the Raiders Defense allowing him to run the ball as much as throw. Lund scored another rushing Touchdown with 4:54 remaining in the 2nd Quarter making this game appear to be a showdown. However the Raiders were having none of it, Chris Miller was cruising down the field showing off his speed with a little over 2 minutes remaining, Miller got back to back carries both for 20 yards, finishing the Raiders drive with a 20 yard TOUCHDOWN run to close the the 1st half off with a 30-22 lead over DP.
The beginning of the 3rd Quarter was an exciting one for the Raiders, as Jaron Moor showed why a "Quick Six" at the beginning of the half is important bringing a 65 yard TOUCHDOWN rush to the HOUSE with 11:07 remaining in the 3rd. The Knights took the field with the same mindset as they had in the 1st half, Throw over top the Raiders secondary. Showing great coverage down field Logan Lund was pressured to run the football but Garret Pic was having none of it stripping the ball and taking it 55 yards back for the Raiders TOUCHDOWN!!!  Dakota Prairie didn't show to much concern after the Raiders Touchdown, being able to drive down the field capitalizing on a Logan Lund connection to Scott Rorvig for the Dakota Prairie Knights Touchdown. Although the Raiders appeared to struggle defensively when it came to stopping the pass, they continued to dominate running the football offensively, As Chris Miller went on a one play 56 yard TOUCHDOWN run. Not long after that on the next Dakota Prairie Knights drive there was a stop in the game with a scarey collision with DPs Scott Rorvig and LAEs Chris Miller and Zac Sundre, Logan Lund connected on a pass with Rorvig while Miller took him down from behind Zac Sundre and Scott Rorvigs legs collided. Scott Rorvig got injured on that play injury is not known at this time but Rorvig did have to go with the ambulance. The Raiders and Knights went back at it, after the stop in action, Raiders regained possession of the football after making a stop defensively. Chris Miller once again was not going to be shut down, taking a 67 yard rush all the way for another Raiders TOUCHDOWNAfter Millers Touchdown Coach Harder pulled the Starters with 5:00 left in the 3rd, giving the second stringers a chance to play. The starters came off the field excited and proud they had defeated there Rivals, the Dakota Prairie Knights!

FINAL SCORE: Raiders 66 Knights 28

(Left to Right) #50 Brady Eichelberger, #56 Carl Kolbo, #44Chris Miller
          POST GAME
The play of the game this week goes to Garret Pic for stripping the football and taking it 55 yards for the TOUCHDOWN.
After the game I had the privilege to talk with most of the players, let me tell you, these guys were pumped! They wanted this game more then ever and they did it in a fashionable way, running away with it! You could tell from the start these guys were ready to win. All the players on the Lakota-Adams-Edmore Raiders Football team have great attitudes and want to win every week!

The big test for the Raiders, is going to be this Friday against Thompson, They have a lot of big bodies that are going to make things difficult for the Raiders, but that doesn't mean Lakota-Adams-Edmore doesn't have Big, Fast, Talented players themselves. This game is going to be huge for the Raiders, So get your popcorn ready becuase it's going to be a show! You can also guarantee the Coaching staff for the Raiders will be game planning for this one, making things interesting on Friday.

After watching the game against DP, who do you think would win the 50 yard Dash?
  • Jaron Moor
  • Chris Miller
  • Garret Pic
Let me know your answers, on Twitter/Facebook.

Team Before Kickoff

 Chris Miller, had a great game against the Dakota Prairie Knights, having 3 Touchdowns in the game and adding up to having about 180 yards rushing. He would not of been able to get those yards without the help upfront from the offensive line, including Dylan Beck, Garret Pic, Justin Smaaladen and Carl Kolbo. This game proved once again why the Lakota-Adams-Edmore Raiders are so dangerous on the ground this season picking up positive yards almost every time they get the ball.

I had the opportunity to talk to Chris Miller, about the DP and the upcoming Thompson game. Chris always has his head up and looks to make a play every time he's on the field. Every player on any team always has leaders! Chris Miller definitely has the capability to be a leader on the Raiders squad. Millers response to being a leader "We all just have to work together, to make the team stronger".  I also asked Miller about the magnitude going into Fridays game against Thompson he told me if the Raiders can win against Thompson they can defeat anyone, being that Thompson has one of the better teams in this area. Let downs are crucial on any squad "We can't have big heads" Miller said. "Clear my mind, think of duties on field, nothing but football" Chris Miller responded after I asked him what his pregame routine is. Chris Miller hasn't been afraid to make a play this season. Continue to expect more big plays from him this season!


If you want to be interviewed or have suggestions for an interview, please let me know.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Raiders Preview vs Knights

Saturday August 27th, Lakota-Adams-Edmore will face off against its bitter rival Dakota Prairie! This game is going to be a show down, with two teams that like to run it right at you. Lakota-Adams-Edmore is looking for a perfect record thus far if they can pull off the win. While the Knights are trying to avoid an 0-2 record. On Tuesday the Raiders defeated the Spartans in 20-8 defensive battle. Dakota Prairie and Lakota-Adams-Edmore are coming into this one with the same mindset "Leave here with bragging rights". I know by talking to the team, that every player on the Raiders are ready to go! Saturday isn't going to be your average football game with these two squads going at it!

Brady Eichelberger before the game on Tuesday vs Hope-Page-Finley-Sharon.
Brady Eichelberger spoke with me and told me this game means a lot to him this year, being a Senior he wants this one to be a win! Eichelberger who had about 36 yards on 9 carries on Tuesdays game expects to lift his game up on Saturday vs the Knights.
#10, Eric Haugland, LAE Quarterback

Eric Haugland Raiders Quarterback, will be showing the Knights on Saturday why they shouldn't of showed up. Eric who has a big arm and good speed has the potential to make a play at anytime. I have not had the chance to talk to Haugland about the game but I guarantee he is focused and ready to go. Haugland has a lot of support in the backfield this season with Chris Miller, Brady Eichelberger, Dylan Eichelberger and Jaron Moor. This game will make a statement of what to expect for the rest of the season.

Zac Sundre will be in action on Saturday playing at Corner, He is very excited to be back! I had a quick interview with Sundre and he is a very positive kid, this is something you want to see out of talented players like him. "Its great to be back, Ankle is 100%" Sundre said. As a Raider fan this is great news going to a game with high intensity. I asked Sundre about the magnitude of this game he responded with a confident attitude " Biggest game of the year! Bragging rights, everyone wants to win!" Leadership is key for Zac but he feels that the Seniors are the greatest leaders on the team, can keep the team fired up!


If you want to be interviewed or you have a suggestion for an interview let me know!